2014 Annual Report
NASA Earth Science, Applied Sciences Program
 Our team developed the second digital annual report for the NASA Applied Sciences Program, Earth Science Division. To save time and maintain some consistency of brand, the team used the same navigation, icons, and colors but reskinned the website. The team reused coding for an interactive timeline and search functions. This year’s report includes more content, infographics, and videos. http://appliedsciences.nasa.gov/ar2014
2013 Annual Report
NASA Earth Science, Applied Sciences Program
 Our team developed the first digital annual report for the NASA Applied Sciences Program, Earth Science Division. This report created critical awareness and promoted the program’s mission to key stakeholders, including Congress, federal and state government agencies, and industry. Transitioning the print report to a digital platform allowed the use of parallax scrolling, an interactive timeline, and infographics. http://appliedsciences.nasa.gov/ar2013
 Interactive timeline
Adapting to a Changing Climate App (prototype)
User Interface Design Prototype for NASA’s Earth Science Division
The app provides current climate data, climate-related information, and climate projections for specific NASA centers. The app data can be used for climate change vulnerability assessments and adaptation planning in localized areas. A content management system was created for scientists to update the predictions as climate changes and improvements occur.

2016 Annual Report

2015 Annual Report

2014 Annual Report
NASA Earth Science, Applied Sciences Program
Condensed printed report used as a handout to encourage readers to view the website for complete articles.

2013 Annual Report
NASA Earth Science, Applied Sciences Program
Condensed printed report used as a handout to encourage readers to view the website for complete articles.
2012 Annual Report
NASA Earth Science, Applied Sciences Program
The NASA Applied Sciences Program annual report demonstrates and promotes innovative uses of Earth science data and technology for societal benefit. The report is targeted to readers on Capitol Hill, in the White House, and in state and federal agencies. It employs feature articles, satellite imagery, infographics, and QR codes to convey project and program accomplishments and performance metrics.

2011 Annual Report
NASA Earth Science, Applied Sciences Program
NASA’s Earth Science Applied Sciences Program annual report uses a clean and organized hierarchical structure to lead the reader through the information. Use of pull quotes highlight important information in an engaging way.
QR codes in the 2011 Annual Report allow the reader to use camera-enabled smart phones to access more in-depth science information on NASA websites.
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